Manifest Your Absolute Best Life
Online Course Live via Zoom start in August
Vibrate - Align - Desire - Attract - Create - Manifest
Learn to Manifest!
You always wanted to learn more about manifestation, the law of attraction and the magical world of vibration and creation. Now is your time to join me in this online course. We will meet each other 6 times during this year. The sessions will take place at 4pm CET. We will spend around 1.5 h each session together.
English language: 2nd of August, 2nd of September, 2nd of October, 2nd of November, 2nd of December and 2nd of January
German language: 3rd of August, 3rd of September, 3rd of October, 3rd of November, 3rd of December and 3rd of January
What is manifestation?
To manifest is a structured way of aligning all that you are with all that you want.
The content
- Universal Laws
- Awareness
- Blockages
- The Process
- Intuition
- more....
Who is it for?
You have heard about the law of attraction and want to know how it works.
You are ready to expand your life.
You are open to create the best possible magical life you ever wanted.
You believe that the basis of life is freedom and your purpose is joy.
You want to attract more money into your life.
You want to attract many other aspects into your life.
You are ready for an expansion of your mindset.
After this program you will know your
How the law of attraction works.
How to attract your best possible life.
How to manifest what you want into your life.
How to vibrate - desire - align and attract.
Are your ready to a growth mindset?
If your answer to this is yes, then please contact me now
This program serves you with the following content:
Knowledge boost around manifestation through video calls
Interaction with the other participants through video calls
Practices in-between the sessions, digital working sheets to print
It is a loving way of learning facts around this topic, practicing for yourself, learn how to create and expand your life, and as well masterminding with others.
During these months you will learn how to:
Vibrate in the right way.
Set your mind for expansion.
Align your thoughts with what you want.
Attract the best possible life like a magnet.
Price CHF 1111.- including VAT
No refund Policy.
What do you say? Wanna join the ride of manifesting?
Book now below and join the movement.
You are the creator of all that you want. Stay in a state of light and love. All is there for you. Your absolute best life! Enjoy it!
Book now!
Vibrate - Align - Desire - Attract - Create - Manifest
AllCoaching HolidaysCareer one2OneOne2OneManifest One2One- About CatrinI love the world of manifestation, alignment, vibration & Co
The life I live right now, I can only do because I used these techniques, tools and thinking, that you will learn in this course. It will change your life as it changed my life.
I am educated systemic coach, with a yoga teachers degree and with 20+ years in the field of digital business and 10+ years as managing director. My trainings are loving, safe, caring and expanding.
Hold your vision, trust the process.
Lots of Love
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CH-8703 Erlenbach
UID: CHE-477.422.421
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