I AM a Coach
I AM an Entrepreneur
I AM a Woman
I AM a Yogini
I AM a Humanist
I AM Unlimited
I AM a Dog Lover
I AM a Creator
I AM a Manifestor
I AM Strong
I AM Weak
I AM Light
I AM Stardust
I AM an Analogue Girl in a Digital World
I AM a Golf Player
I AM Beach Fan
I AM Spiritual
I AM Free, the Purpose of my Life is Joy
I AM a Soul with a Body
I AM Open Hearted
I AM a Sister
I AM a Wife
I AM a Meditator
What are you?
With lots of Love
P.s Only you can state „I am“ for yourself. This is a very powerful way to create what ever you want you to be, do or have. What you say daily to yourself is life changing. What you declare with your „I am…“ initiates a creative process. Choose these words consciously.